Thursday, September 25, 2008

full of guilt

ok.this is what happens when all of us are bored and needs a break from everything.
we go crazy.hahas.
one presentation down,left with my grant application.
this grant application made me tear,cos i am filled with so much guilt.i am thankful that i have such understanding groupmates,but i think they spoil me too much and they are working way too hard and all i get from them is to ask me to rest.

sorry and thanks meant alot to me. (:
thank you,sandy for hearing me out tonight.
thanks cheesy for asking me to stop wallowing in self pitiness and to rest early.
something left me wondering though...

i wonder,why wasn't you but the other?

on the other note.i called char today!cos i know that she would be at work.heh heh heh.jay chou new album is out for preorder already.and so i went crazy,asking her to preorder it today,which she did!at first she was not that willing though,saying that she got no called my mom to transfer money to her so that she could preorder it for me.hehehehehe.

how efficient i am.

i'll be waiting.