Monday, August 17, 2009

Full of Thoughts.

Every single time when i read Charmaine's blog and realises that she is blogging bout my younger sister about how she disappoints us again and again,i can't help it but drop a few tears or even cry for that few minutes. Honestly, I have no idea what is in that 16 year old mind of hers. Everyone keeps on telling me that she will get past this stage, but when? O levels is lesser then dunno how many mths away and she is always saying that she is studying hard, putting in effort but you and I plus herself knows that she devotes all the time to that fucking guy. It just simply comes to a stage whereby I know that I cant even talk about him with her. It simply just piss me off like hell. So, to that guy-whoever what the hell your name is, just move off. fuck off.

Enough of this shite.
Speaking of enough. I dunno whether this is the drama season or what. All I know is that I do not want to be a part of it. But, sadly, unknowingly, I became a part of it and to tell you, I hate it. Why? cos' we're all friends and this kind of situation put us on a spot. Not me, not you, not her. It affects everyone. and at this point of time, when I want to talk to someone over the phone and stupid Optus is not allowing me to make calls, it makes me realise how much I do really miss the past, like when we were all so near each other, gossiping became part of our everyday life. Given now, even calling you makes me think twice on how you would react to this call, makes me think of how you would answer and whether you will give a shite about what I said..

I guess I have to grow out of this thing. This thing called Reliance.

Listening to: Howl- Love U

Sunday, August 9, 2009

When will the sun ever shine again?

i just realised how much i dislike it.makes me realised how much i've missed out.

but i guess,like what you mentioned before..
one day we would all have to seperate.

blame it on me for relying so much on you & darn it for letting you affect my mood one way or the other.

where would i go and find another that i can relate to?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


说说- 棒棒堂

下课钟声回荡耳边 沉没夕阳倒映我脸
互传纸条的那画面 消失般的光綫
秋天气息感染树叶 泛黄照片还放桌前
操场上的那些麻雀 随枫叶纷飞

我们曾经说好的幸福永远 一直藏在书包的拉链
多麽希望回到那年 我们写的诗篇

好想听你说说爱我 好像听你说说想我
这些年你有没有 曾经想起过我
好像对你说说爱你 好像对你说说想你
这些年你知不知 我常想念着你 想念着你

秋天气息感染树叶 泛黄照片还放桌前
操场上的那些麻雀 随枫叶纷飞

我们曾经说好的幸福永远 一直藏在书包的拉链
多麽希望回到那年 我们写的诗篇

好想听你说说爱我 好想听你说说想我
这些年你有没有 曾经想起过我
好想对你说说爱你 好想对你说说想你
这些年你知不知 脑袋里装的全都是你 全都是你

诉说着我的感受 心里话 全说出口

听你说说多爱我 听你说说想我
谢谢你曾经陪着我 说着我们幸福 的经过